It will deal with the unsavory tasks and allow your Mac to run smoothly. To help you keep an eye on your Mac, just download MacKeeper. This is why it's necessary to keep your Mac in good condition as this will minimize any risks-check it for viruses and malware, optimize its performance, and clean it systematically. The sound not working on your Mac can be a consequence of multiple system problems. This article will outline all the steps you need to take to find and fix the volume issue on a Mac device. So, don’t rush to call Apple Support just yet-there are a few things to check before taking your device to the nearest Apple store. Whatever the case is, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your Mac is broken. It could come down to a host of factors, like your Mac’s sound being muted. Having the sound on your Mac not work can be frustrating, and understandably so-not to mention if it happens during a work or school presentation.